Woman in Dream (Photo essay)

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I drifted to sleep

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And traveled afar

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A cat appeared, and I followed


Water swelled into the world…I found two men…peculiarly, they were balancing on one foot and could not seem to hear me...I moved on

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I came to faces in rock. “Where am I going?” I asked. But they were speaking rubbish. I could not understand them

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Soldiers were sitting in a line...I walked passed quietly…I hoped they wouldn’t hear…

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An entrance then appeared. I stepped through. Where am I?

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A lost city appeared...I stepped inside


I climbed to the top to peer out

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A vision flashed. What does this mean?


A cat appeared. I followed. I could not remember what it was I had just seen…I was becoming confused…I wanted to grasp on to something but I could not…

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People were just ahead of me…”Wait!” I cried, “Wait!” I began running


Figures popped out of confusion and surprised me…everything is now blurry…I do not like this…what do I trust

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Suddenly, giant bamboo rocketed out from the ground and into the sky. Everything around me was blocked

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A figure appeared in the distance and slowly made her way to me. I shielded my eyes as she came close. “Where am I?” The voice was faint…I could not hear it

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Two entrances came before me…a choice...I chose


A giant suddenly appeared and the ground began to rumble and shake

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Fire sprang into the atmosphere. The crackle of the flames roared…temples were burning...I need to leave. How do I get out!

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An obscure clock appeared…I must run to it!


A cat!…What do you know that I do not!…If it is me you want, here I am…Everything I offer, I give to you…

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Everything went black. A shimmer formed and I could begin making out lights

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A rush of wind came before me and I was released

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A grand tree appeared…I could feel it…the energy, was so positive…a strange sense that everything was going to be OK came sweeping over me…was that all I needed to do?…give up my self


Then, I awoke…waves gently crashed over my feet. The sun was warm on my face. I picked myself up and looked around. This isn’t where I started at all. Where am I?