The Best Paris Parks


There are few things better in life than enjoying bread, cheese, and wine in a Paris park. If I could do this activity (can I call this an activity??) every day, I would.

Paris does a wonderful job with their urban atmosphere to ensure there is still plenty of green space for those that wish to get away from all the noise and traffic.


Lovely Paris Parks


First: What to Bring

Bread. Cheese. Wine. Something fun. Say it with me now. “Bread. Cheese. Wine. Something fun!” Nice!

If you’re like me, you’ll be doing a lot of walking. For one, it’s cheaper. And two, you get to experience a lot more (booksellers everywhere) when you walk! So, a baguette goes neatly into a pack. As does cheese and a bottle of wine. Don’t forget cups and a wine opener. I don’t know how many wine-openers I’ve bought but it’s extensive…

Apples go wonderfully with cheese and they also travel well. Olives are a perfect hit of saltiness to quench the palate before taking a drink of your Rhone/Bordeaux/Burgundy French wine you’ve chosen.


So let’s set off and take a look at lovely Paris parks.


Luxembourg Gardens

Luxembourg Gardens was my favorite parks of them all. Hence, it’s highlighted first here. It’s so dreamy. With a palace as a backdrop, the parks sprawl through mature oaks and birch with perfect benches scattered throughout.

Children are playing. People are reading. And we were drinking wine and enjoying some cheese!


Trocadero Gardens

This hot little spot is right across from the Eiffel Tower on the other side of the Seine River. There’s not much here, except a lot fewer people! Hop over to get a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, sit down on one of the benches along the Seine, and relax.


Tuileries Garden (Louvre)

Think about it; You’ve just left the Louvre. The Greek statue of The Venus de Milo with its missing arms but striking perfection is ingrained into your mind. The giant painting of The Coronation of Napoleon standing at 33’ x 20’ still mesmerizes you. And of course the Mona Lisa. A treasured and perhaps most recognizable artwork in all of the world, Leonardo Da Vinci captivates you with his painting emitting strange emotion you didn’t think you’d feel.

And so, you need a park right outside to sit down in the sun, have some bread and cheese, and discuss exactly what it was that fascinated you the most about what was held in the Louvre. Some wine may also have to be opened.


Champs-Elysees Garden

This is a fun one. Ever get the feeling that everything is too expensive and your only option is the McDonalds next to the Cartier store? Never fear. Pop into a grocery store (doesn’t have to be fancy), purchase the essentials and pop down for a picnic.

The Champ-Elysees is one of the most beautiful streets in the world. It’s also the most expensive. Lucky for us, there is also green space plotted about. You’re bound to find one.


Jardina des Plantes

For a quiet walk among some of the best plants you’ll see in Paris, head to the aptly named, Jardina des Plantes. Located away from a lot of the hustle and bustle, here, you may find yourself able to relax a little bit more.

Thousands of species are on display here. Some even have signs with Latin names containing the plant’s family and genus. A botanical school is on site, which trains botanists. As well as the French Natural History Museum.


Square Jean XXIII

Placed within the grounds of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, is the Square Jean XXIII park. Located right on the Seine River, it’s a perfect spot to watch the birds or the people all flocking about. You may see wedding pictures being done here against the picturesque backdrop of the medieval cathedral. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying a glass of wine while watching the sun go down.


La Villette

La Villette runs along the canal that stretches from the Seine into the northern reaches of some of Paris’ most famous neighborhoods. it’s the perfect spot to gather a local flair away from all the tourists. Benches are positioned throughout. You can watch as some of the boats cruise by slowly on a lock and dam system.


Paris packs it in with attractions to see. It’s even more reason to carry a pack filled with bread, some cheese and a bottle of wine. Don’t forget the opener!