Road Trip - Jordan


Driving around Jordan is a breeze. Signs are easy to read, gas stations are readily available, and getting from A-B couldn’t be easier. If you’re wary about military checkpoints, don’t worry about it! Every soldier we encountered was very kind and wished us well.

Jordan offers so much, yet it’s relatively attainable within a 10 day stretch.

The road trip begins and ends in Amman. As soon as you get your car, you’re off to races.

Welcome, to Jordan.


Jordan Road Trip


First Stop | Umm Qais

Umm Qais is located in the far northern part of Jordan. Umm Qais is a town that holds an active archaeological site, Gadara. Gadara holds the ruins of ancient Greeks. Dating back as far as 218 BCE, Gadara was known as the strongest of all places in the region. Looking down upon the hills, you can see why. It would be tough going to even begin to attack this place.

Archaeologists may be actively researching when you visit. An ancient temple built back in the 3rd century BCE is believed to be dedicated to Poseidon, the Greek God of water. Other sites include a wonderfully sustained theater made from black basalt which once held up to 3000 people and acted as a place to sing or recite a play as the acoustics are said to be fantastic. Also, a path of pillars still stands today, as well as the remains of a basilica.

You can also see the Sea of Galilee of Israel and Golan Heights off in the distance. A wonderful place to get your Jordanian bearings.

2nd Stop | Jerash

Holy Roman Ruins. Talk about preserved. As recently as 2015, two researchers found skulls that date back to the Neolithic period. For those scoring at home, that was way back in 7500-5500 BCE!

This ancient city was named Gerasa. This city was founded by Alexander the Great back in 331 BCE.

The sites to see within Gerasa include The Temple of Artemis, the Oval Plaza, the Hippodrome, and the South Theater. All magnificently intact. There’s even a great Archaeological Museum to visit as well.

3rd Stop | Mt Nebo

After leaving Jerash, we’re heading to the mountains to an important Christian location. A location that is said to be where Moses viewed the “Promised Land.” An incredible lookout point, Mt Nebo is a must stop.

There’s also a church on site that was built to commemorate Moses’ death back in the 4th century.

Jordanian Sweets

Honestly, they’re delicious. Stop anywhere you see a bakery. You’ll pass through a bunch of small towns, stop in and feast away.

Jordanian sweets use pistachios on everything. Similar to Baklava, they use a phyllo pastry stuffed with a soft cheese or custard covered in a sticky sugar syrup. They also have these coconut balls that are to die for.

You’re welcome.

4th Stop | The Dead Sea

Coming in at 400 m below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth! A highly popular tourist destination, resorts line the dead sea up and down the coast. They’re all well equipped to fit all your desires. This includes floating on your back (the high salt content keeps you afloat), as well as a refreshing mud bath.

Look at the coastline and the salt stacked up against the shore!

5th Stop | The Red Sea

Continuing the path south, you’ll reach the beach destination city of Aqaba. Snorkeling is the popular tourist attraction here, as the Red Sea posts of one the best dive sites in all of the world due to its popular colorful fish. Enjoy your time here as you relax on the beach, and enjoy some local cuisine from the plethora of restaurants.

6th Stop | Wadi Rum

Oh desert dreams of so many stars, how can I see you in every way possible?

Wadi Rum is a fantastic adventure. There are plenty of tours available to visitors. One of the best activities to sign up for is staying with a local Bedouin tribe. You’ll be treated to Bedouin cuisine, some tea by a fire under the stars, and perhaps even some shisha.

See how I tricked our Bedouin Guide into giving me his very warm robe while he smoked his shisha?

7th Stop | Petra

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Petra is truly a place of wonder. The rock-cut architecture is amazing throughout the entire archaeological park.

As you’re walking in through the “siq” (photos below), you feel quite small with the towering rock structures standing beside you.

And then it appears: the Treasury. A beautiful temple that was once the heart of this tranquilizing city.

There is so much to see in Petra. You could easily spend two days in the park. It’s very extensive. Take your time and enjoy everything!

8th (Final) Stop | Amman

Amman is a city of 4M people. Even though Amman is a bustling city with a fun nightlife scene, they also have their own Roman ruins. In fact, they have a very well kept Roman Theater right in the city center. Amman is also home to a fabulous falafel scene.

Jordan is a country with amazing attractions, beautiful people, and even better sweets ; )

I would recommend this trip for anyone. Certainly rated Easy and a 10 on the Fun scale.