Pollinators Need Our Help | Plant Native

In the relationship between plants and humans, it’s fair to say humans operate in their best interest, while plants are along for the ride – not only do plants act as a vital resource in food production for humans, they also clean our water and air – even certain species have been genetically modified to appease our aesthetic sense. Humans don’t survive without plants, yet plants survive without humans.

As our attention turns to pollinators to fertilize and grow (reproduce) our plants, what is the role humans play in their survival?

Pollinators include:

  • Birds

  • Bees

  • Bats

  • Butterflies

  • Beetles

  • Moths

  • Other animals

  • Wind

Why do pollinators matter?

As alluded to prior, without them, food, beverages, fibers, spices and medicines we consume would not be fertilized and thus would not produce fruits or seeds.

How do humans disrupt pollinators?

Agriculture and human expansion have decimated pollinator habitat – pollinators require proper habitat for food, reproduction and protection. Habitat isn’t the sole reason for decline as invasive pests, diseases, pesticides and changing climate also play a role.

How important is the issue right now?

Pollinators are suffering major losses each year and the losses keep growing. From the NYTimes: “Plants that depend on pollination make up 35 percent of global crop production volume with a value of as much as $577 billion a year. The agricultural system, for which pollinators play a key role, creates millions of jobs worldwide.”

What can we do to help?

Plant Native. Everyone can do their part by introducing native plants to your yard that will give plentiful resources for these pollinators to remain strong and continue reproducing.

How to do this?

From the Society of Ecological Restoration, ecological restoration is: “The process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed.” The ecological restoration community has been growing progressively since the 1990s. There is sure to be a company in your area that can assist you in determining which species of plants is right for your yard. All plants should be consistent with your planting zone. Other factors include soil type consideration, sunlight availability, as well as a diversity of species.

 If you have any specific questions regarding this topic, please connect with me. All questions welcomed!