


This is a place away not far from Kathmandu (only 200km but turns into a 5-8 hr bus ride) with a picturesque Phewa Lake modeling within the foothills of the Annapurna mountain range. Pokhara itself sits close to 5,000’ above sea level.

Even though the landscape and vibe drastically change from one city to the other, the Neaplise people still maintain that sweet, humbleness about them; so gracious.

This was a week of rest…and then it turned in to two.

Finding our way to Pokhara

Pokhara was the first town we visited after Kathmandu. It was in Kathmandu we stayed with a family and helped them with their backyard farm and chores around the house. We had originally planned to spend this time in India, but the Indian government passed an overnight law banning 500 and 1,000 rupee notes 3 days before we landed. For those that don’t know, India is a very cash-heavy country. We had to get out of India. We searched online and thought Nepal sounded fun.


The town itself can push pretty touristy. After working on the orchard for a week, we were looking forward to some rest and relaxation. The nightlife is friendly and fun. There’s also a variety of restaurants and cafes (with wifi).

There are day trips you can do from Pokhara - plenty of white water rafting, hiking, and mountaineering activities. Day trips to get outside of the city to stay further up the mountain are also available.

Most days for us were $2 to rent a canoe, and we’d (rather I’d) paddle around while taking in the sights. There’s something positively tranquil about Pokhara.

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