Cocktails for an Evening | South Africa Vineyards

Franschhoek | Bed & Breakfast | Wine Country

We arrived in Franschhoek a couple days earlier. A sleepy town with a vibrant wine scene. At this point in our stay, we’re walking around barefoot greeting people throughout the bed and breakfast we were staying in like they were our best friends. The house was built back in the 1800s with a magnificent rose garden planted in the backyard. We were positioned right in the heart of South Africa’s wine country.

The sun was beginning to tell people it’s about time for a cocktail; or maybe it was the old record player playing 1920s French Jazz.

Breanne and I were enjoying the back patio as the sun began to poke its rays out from some sleepy rain clouds that were passing over.

Our innkeeper came out and asked if everything was alright and if we needed any reservations for the night.

I expressed my gratitude for everything and we began talking about restaurants. She started naming the different types of restaurants we might enjoy. These were all fairly high end traditional restaurants.

I inquired about her lemon tree. She looked at me with a matter-of-fact face and said, “Well I make cocktails with them of course. And did you see I have some mint?”
The elderly woman with a soft face smiled as she could tell what I was thinking.
“Do you know how to use them in a cocktail?” she asked.
”I believe I could make a couple.”

Let’s Have Some Cocktails

Ingredients: Fresh Lemons, Fresh Mint, St Germain, Aperol, and Cynar. Also Vodka, Gin and Scotch.

  • Scotch-Cynar-Bitters

  • Vodka-St. Germain-Aperol-Lemon

  • Gin-st Germain-Mint-Soda

People stepped through the kitchen to say hello as I was playfully pouring, mixing and stirring a few concoctions. I had S African white with stone fruit/peach salty, butteriness to it. I could hear the music playing in the other room; laughter came from all corners of the house; the windows were open, and I popped a cap to the shaker and began shaking.


We stumbled outside when it was too dark. We were going to be late to the reservation our innkeeper made for us. I don’t remember the meal. Just that our table was perfect. The service was perfect. The food was outstanding. The bottle of wine was perfect. Staring at my wife, was perfect : )

Decision: To buy a lemon tree or not.

Check Out Cape Town

Mandela’s prison cell. Half day trip out to Robbin Island, about 6.9km off Cape Town’s coast, you hop on buses and get a complete tour of the old prison grounds that was open from Be prepared to be inspired. | Table-top mountain is also a half day trip/trek. You can take a taxi from anywhere Cape Town and have them drop you off near the bottom of Table-top. Table is a little over 3500' so nothing you can’t do in a 1.5-2hr hike; or 40 min run like some do (Cape Town is a very active city with fitness). | Drive to Cape Point all the way south to see penguins. | Stare out into the abyss of where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet to whale watch at Cape Point Lighthouse.