Survivor! Getting out of the jungle.

On the west side of Koh Rong, you will find Long Beach and Sok San Beach.  This is the destination where Survivor was filmed in 2015/2016.  It's a 45-60 minute hike through the jungle from the main hub in Koah Touch.  The path is rugged and marked by 'flip flops' to point you in the right direction.  We loaded up with sunblock and bug spray and were on our way at 11am.  We were sweating after about 5 minutes.  We immediately climbed uphill and were greeted with a sign warning us about the length of the hike, the fitness level needed, the steepness at the end, snakes on the path, and sand flies on the beach.  It did inform us that we could take a boat back if we didn't want to do the hike again.  We hesitated for a minute and then 3 guys in flip flops passed us.  We carried on.  

After walking on more level ground for about 20 minutes, we reached the other side of the island and could see the ocean.  We thought it was easy going from here.  Unfortunately, this is the toughest part of the hike and extremely steep.  There are ropes placed throughout to help you with the climb.  This took us another 20 minutes.  

Our reward was another spectacular beach, with barely any guest houses, and only a few vendors selling snacks and water.  It wasn't hard to find a bit of shade and solitude.  We met a couple dogs and they stayed to hang out for a bit.  They strangely resembled my dog and my parents dog.  We stayed for a few hours, took a final dip, and then mustered the energy to hike back.