A Tel Aviv Night


Wake me up when we’re in Tel Aviv

We nailed a ten hour layover (8AM-6PM) in London and jumped on our plane to Tel Aviv. We were pretty tired when our descent began. What’s the price you pay for a free layover during prime time? Land in your destination at 5AM…

Israeli customs were pretty easy. Maybe it was the time of morning, but I’ve heard plenty of bad stories about their security asking tons of questions and pressing about where you’re going to visit. Palestine was in our travel plans, but it was never brought up.

We arrived to our hotel around 730 (25 min ride from the airport). While we waited to check in, the sun began to rise and the Mediterranean came into view. We were happy to be in Tel Aviv.


Tel Aviv Night

The people and the city of Tel Aviv breathe an air of ease from within. It’s a very relaxing city with old world charm and new modern infrastructure. There’s tons of green space people utilize as well as lots of bikers; also, everyone is out walking a dog. Maybe it was just the neighborhood??…

The Dining scene is also laid back with candles, delicious Israeli wine, soft cheese boards with cucumber, tomato, zaatar and homemade breads.


The best part any meal we had was the olive oil. Fresh, quality olive oil topped on anything (think hummus) brigthens the dish up with it acidity, and adds a smooth, cream mouth feel, with a bright oily, vegetal taste that lingers.


We were there on a Tuesday night and they certainly take their happy hours seriously. They love watching their Israeli basketball league. I love basketball. When I traveled to Greece, Turkey, and now Israel, I was amazed at their love of the game. Someone I enjoy sharing with a local crowd over a beer. Always smiles : )


The coffee shops are romantic (European) and deliver silky cortados and succulent espressos.
