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Sunrise in Bagan (Myanmar)

Bagan is just one of those places.

You know that feeling when you first realize you’re waking up, but immediately try to climb back into the dream you were just experiencing? That’s Bagan.

You constantly look around and ask if this is some kind of dream world.

It’s this way for a few reasons:

  • Tourists are new to the area

  • Over 2,200 temples sprawl out over a plains/brush/trees habitat

  • You drive yourself around on scooters through sand, gravel, whatever

Sunrise Daydream

As you leave your hotel under the blanket of darkness, there are other tourists excitedly shuffling about. Scooters weave cautiously around a corner and right themselves very carefully. For some, it’s their first morning in Bagan. But everyone is heading to a temple of their choice for sunrise.

The one we chose, we strategically (everyone does this) picked out earlier the previous day. It was a small one a little ways off the road. A sand pathway led you to it.

It was in pretty good shape. It stood about 35’ tall in all (very small) but it had such character to it! When you walked in through the ancient stone doorway, crossing to your left, a staircase of also stone, brought you up to the facade of the temple. Here, it resembled more of a mini castle than anything. You could walk all the way around and only see temples and trees.

Other couples you would meet in the dark; everyone was very quiet and excited at the same time. People scoped out the best place to sit (once again, in the dark) and wait for sunrise.

The sky above was filled with dazzling stars.

Then, the crest of yellow spikes begin to poke through the horizon. People raise their cameras and wait. Soon, shutters begin closing. Then more of them. And more.

The sun rose with all of her galactic might.

Before you knew it, it was over. Then, you exhale and laugh.