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Last canoe trip of 2018...what could happen?

Late October

We grabbed some adult beverages, grabbed the portable speaker, loaded up the canoe, and we were off to the Chain of Lakes in Minneapolis.

The Chain of lakes are really very impressive. They include Bde Maka Ska, Lake of the Isles, Cedar, and Brownie lake. They all connect and it’s a great afternoon paddling.

We got the canoe in. Cracked the first beer. Dog is kind of relaxed. Music’s cranking. Things are great.

Then we passed a fellow canoer (??) and struck up a convo while passing. Something to the extent of, “Beautiful morning.” “Yeah! Sure is!” Then our dog jumped in the water.

We had a lifejacket on him. But when he went in, it’s like he forgot to start swimming. So he just went straight under and was having a difficult time coming back up. At least that’s what I saw. So I jumped in after him.

Coda (the dog) and I struggled as we swam to shore which happened to be not too far away. We got out and I saw Breanne bringing the canoe around to pick us back up.

I’m not sure who laughed first, but it was hilarious. All the way around. From Breanne being in total shock of both of us jumping in. To the canoer passing by us wondering what the heck was going on. And of course, my jumping in after our dog and holding him up as we swim to shore.

Now, Scouts Honor, what could go wrong, will go wrong in a canoe, so plan for the worst. All of my perishables were put away in the backpack and my beer didn’t spill.

Coda and I hopped back in and we took off hoping Coda wouldn’t want to jump out again.

All in all, it was a pretty great afternoon.