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Seattle/Portland Part I

Seattle - Tech capital USA.  Real estate is at a premium, and everyone is talking about what tech company is taking over a three block radius for their new, next campus. 

It’s a city that’s striking against the Pacific.  Downtown is located near the water, and everything looks down upon it from the many hills painting the streets. 

We arrived and were picked up by Breanne’s brother.  Couldn’t wait to have our own city guide take us around! 

Kullan (brother) lives in the Capitol Hill area, and is walking distance to a lot (downtown, hip areas to go out, touristy Starbucks Reserve).  We dropped our stuff off and headed out for dinner.

We ate at a Vietnamese street food restaurant.  Pricey, but delicious.  The prices rivaled any big city, and it was something I hadn’t had to confront since leaving Chicago.  We ordered the Pho, and some version of street noodles (my absolute favorite meal while traveling).  Both were really good. 

We then hit the pavement, and walked around the popular going out areas.  Nothing crazy but present.  Seemed like a really solid music scene. 

The next day we did the touristy things!

But first…Espresso.

I had two missions for this trip.  To be with my wife’s brother and his fiancé, and take on all the espresso I could take in. 

I stepped out before anyone was up.  I was excited!

My first stop wasn’t disappointing.  It was immaculate. 

I haven’t had crema sit atop an espresso like that since Chicago.  The acidity played off the chocolatey bitterness creating a smooth finish.  And Jet Fuel commence. 

I met a nice couple with their dog next to me.  They were discussing what to do with their new home purchase, and the upcoming baby arrival.  I was looking over Seattle’s upcoming jazz fest, and asked if they would attend. 

They hadn’t heard of it, but thought it would be interesting. 

Their new home purchase was further away from the coffee shop, but they used to live in the neighborhood, and this was their go-to coffee shop. 

“Ah, I love neighborhood coffee shops.  I had a few back in Chicago.” : )

I walked back to the apartment, and everyone was ready to go. 

Quick photoshoot on the roof, why?  Because you never know if you’ll get another pic taken!

Off to brunch.  I ordered an avocado and two eggs.  Salt.  Pepper.  Delicious.  That’s literally all it takes.  Fresh avo, fresh farm eggs, creamy yolk with rich smooth avocado.  The salt brightened it up, and pepper added a little hit to it.  I took a bite of the overly rich popular brunch favorites my wife ordered, and thought that was enough. 

Popped into a donut shop reviews said was good.  Matcha cream!!!!!  Yessss  Delish (See photo)

Made it to the Starbucks Reserve store.  Quite interesting.  Rare coffee beans can be purchased, and they roast beans on the spot.  They’re more than willing to help you with any questions.

Me.  No danke.  I’ll always try to find the small, boutique, fun, creative, great fair trade product made with an artistic, culinary touch by the barista pumping them out from behind an Italian, pressurized espresso machine. 

Next stop was the Pier, and tons of people crowded the narrow pathway to get through and take pictures.  People do actually shop here, and it did look like a really great farmers market.  Fresh fish, oysters (oyster shooters!!), lobster, bread, cheese, fruit and vegetables, and wide array of flowers all lined the alleyway.  A fun Mediterranean feel, and I could have easily bought from every stand there. 

We hopped in the car back at the apartment and headed out for a hike along the coast.  From high above on the cliffs, we could see out into the many famed (really rich) islands that it takes a ferry to get to. The views were breathtaking.