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ToM Malaysia!

Well, it rained in Bali the morning we got up to leave...

It was actually kind of fun.  We left around 6AM, and had to find a taxi to take us.  The rain started up, and Breanne made the genius comment that, "Well, at least it's not raining too hard."  It started raining harder right after she said it...Still fun tho!

A taxi pulled over after maybe a fifteen minute walk of ducking under awnings and roofs.  Bartered a bit, and settled on a price.  On our way!

The plane to Kuala Lumpur was easy enough.  I'm stressing EASY here.  Just Bali --> Kuala Lumpur.  That's it.  No connections...

My luggage lost.  

The strange part about my first experience with lost luggage, was we were pretty sure we beat our plane through immigration.  Once we got to the luggage belt, the sign read last bag gone.  What!?

Breanne's bag was circling around, and then like a million bright yellow and orange suitcases start coming out.  

It was hilarious.  So many of these suitcases (the exact same) were coming out, that I had to take some off in order for the belt to keep running.  By this time we contacted AirAsia, and they said it's probably still on the way.  

Well, I took off like 30 bags, and finally, the last one had come out.  I was more happy I didn't have to keep taking off the luggage than to have seen my bag! Just kidding. 

The craziest part of this whole story is Breanne's parents were arriving in the terminal next to us in 30 minutes!!!!

So it was a mixture of excitement, and what the hell do we do now??

Gave AirAsia our info, and took off to find Breanne's parents.  

There they are!!  It was pretty cool to see how excited everyone was to see each other.  Finally, Breanne and I get to talk to people we know!  

And I got my bag a few days later.  At least I had exploring Kuala Lumpur to take my mind off it!