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ToM Myanmar

Unfortunately, we had to go backwards from Kathmandu, Nepal all the way to Doha, Qatar.  We used American Airlines frequent flyer miles for this flight, so the long route was worth it.  Originally, we were supposed to have an 8 hour layover in Doha, which would give us enough time to get out and see the city.  (Google Doha and check out the skyline!  It would have been awesome to walk around for a few hours).  But our layover only ended up being 5 hours.  The Doha airport might be my new favorite.  It's a close call between the Istanbul airport. 

Our 5 1/2 hour flight from Doha to Yangon, Mynamar went well, since we were actually able to get a few hours of sleep.  We landed at 5:30 am and got through the visa check process smoothly.  Public transit in Myanmar consits of random bus routes with people hanging out the sides and even sitting on the roof.  This wasn't an option for us so we sucked it up and paid $10 for a cab to our hotel.  We've gotten lucky so far with early check-in's so we crossed our fingers that this hotel would take us at 7am.  They did!  We showered and hit the sack for a few hours.