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Arrived in Ajloun

"Who's the boss?  Are you the boss, or is he the boss?"

I'm out parking the car, and grabbing the luggage as Breanne is speaking with the Hotel owner.  It's a little B&B perched in the mountains by itself.  The owner's ancestors built the Ajloun castle just up the road overlooking the town.  

"I'm the boss," Breanne replied.  The owner's wife comes around from the side, and pats Breanne's shoulder, "We always have to be the boss," with a smile.  

We nap hard for 2 hours. 

Wake up around 3, and head in to town before the sun starts to set at 4:45. 
Streets are small, no street signals, and everyone is negotiating as they peer out the window.  We park, and begin our walk around the town center.  We walk up one hill, eh, nothing much.  Walk up another hill, eh, nothing much.  Turn for another hill, and we found something that is only made for dreams.  Girl Scout Cookies made from angels.  The best sweets Breanne and I have ever tried.  We were walking around this little shop, in this very small town, pointing, and tasting, and buying, and going back in to buy more!!  So good, and so much fun.  

We went down a little further after we picked up our stash, and found a little kebab/shawarma place.  We wait patiently in line as this place was bustling along.  Hello, my friend.  I walked up to the guy, no idea what to order, but pointed at a few things, and through broken English, a little shawarma burrito with fries for Breanne and me was being made!  Super friendly people.  Everyone was asking where we were from.  Everyone telling us welcome.  Gave us a free soda compliments of them.  Very nice people.  

Woke up the next day for the owner's breakfast, which he insisted we have.  Breakfast included everything homemade except for the Arabic bread, which included:  Olive oil, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, fig jam, spices/herbs from his hillside, and some ____ (like brown sugar).  Hard to say what the best part of breakfast was. 

I posed a question to the owner I was pondering since I arrived in Jordan.  "How do Jordanians view the Palestine-Israel conflict?"  He studied me, and asked if he could sit down with us.  Of course you can!  

... ...

He ended by saying, "We are all brothers.  We all came from the same grandmother.  Came from the same grandfather."