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48 Hrs | Berlin {

48 hrs is a 2-day itinerary designed to not only take you by the main attractions but also to conveniently locate the best food & drink options along the way. Cheers!

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Let’s get to it.


Berlin is a city full of energy. It’s not the same energy you feel when you go somewhere like Tokyo. This is more of a silent energy. One of artistic prowess and creation.


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Day 1

Begin your day with an espresso from Refinery High End Coffee.  Not only does Refinery look out over the Danube River, but it also has some nice pastries if you’re hungry.

Continue on to pass by the Reichstag Building and Bradenburg Gate. Keep an eye out for a person selling pretzels for a cheap price.  He may or may not be riding a bicycle…

Don’t be afraid to enter the woods and take a detour through a lovely park. The Großer Tiergarten is a beautiful stretch of woodland right off the street.

For a somber turn of the day, not too far away is the Memorial of the Murdered Jews of Europe. A peaceful memorial that is one of the more interesting monuments I’ve ever been to. Concrete slabs are inserted throughout, with slanted rows causing some to be at a different height. It’s worth a look.

After passing by the majestic Berlin Cathedral Church and the Communist remnant of the 1960s Berliner Fernsehturm, you reach Heaven. Also called Alexanderplatz. Let the music of polka sweep you up. Dance, sing, eat pretzels, sausage, and drink some gigantic beers. It’s what they do!

Also just down the street is another great spot for a large stein of beer at one of Germany's famous Hofbrau houses.  

As the day continues (keep going!!) Yaam (Young and African Art Market) is a wonderful place to catch a completely different vibe within Berlin.  Stay for a beer, look at the cool street art, and listen to Bob Marley. It’s great!

Next is the very captivating and colorful (in more ways than one) East Side Gallery of the Berlin Wall. After the wall fell and Berlin was united once again, artists were invited from all around the world to express themselves on the wall.

Need a spot to catch your breath? The Honolulu Cafe to the rescue. It’s a fairly large, open space with great espresso drinks. They also do beer and cocktails. It’s a great space that makes you feel like you can lounge, relax and book that bus/train ticket you've been meaning to do.

A little schnitzel for dinner? You've been waiting for me to say that. Enjoy great comfort German food at Speisihaus Berlin. A nightcap? ­­­Soylent Bar is no frills, and has everything you'll need to unwind.

Day 2

Hope you’re ready.

Rocket fuel up at Hashtag Coffee.  A wonderful little coffee shop with a very enchanting and friendly staff that may entice you to stay a little longer than you anticipated.  

There are two stops next that are both free. There is a free walking tour at Territory of Terror that explains the history of the Nazis. And then Checkpoint Charlie, the checkpoint that was an old checkpoint when the border was still being enforced.  Lots of history here.  

Two options to choose from and they both may be the best food you'll eat while in Berlin.  From tiny little stands nonetheless!  Currywurst and Mustafa's will both have you waiting in long lines, but it’s worth it. Currywurst delivers the simple fried food we've become accustomed to, except they happen to excel at sausages, fries, and sauce (addictive).  Mustafa's specializes in classic kebabs that explode into your mouth with flavor. Remember, you can always do both!

Dolden Madel is a craft beer house, specializing in their own beer as well as others.  20 beers in total should satisfy your needs.  If you cannot decide, they do offer flights of beer as well.  Keep heading further south telling your partner you want to look at the pretty flowers, or listen to the birds within Viktor Park.  Only to trick them into a wonderful beer garden at Golgatha Gastattan! Brewskis for the win.

As you can see, this day is getting is getting away from us, but that’s ok. You’re in Berlin. And please, if anyone doesn’t drink, the point of this walk is to see the historical sites as you go by. So enjoy yourselves!

The Turkish influence is rampant across Europe, and Berlin certainly has one of the more settled Turkish communities here in Kruezburg.  Hasir is a great restaurant to see this influence, and hospitality.  

How about a great punk rock place with cold beer and cheap whiskey? Yep. SO32 will deliver. Cross over the Spree River and welcome to your nightlife options. Fee free to pop in anywhere within the Friedrichshain area. It’s bound to be a good time. Hop & Barley is a little further into the neighborhood and provides a terrific atmosphere for drinking local German pilsners and lagers. They also have fantastic German food.  
