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A to B

A to B
Infinite.  What else is there.  Unfulfilled.  Alone.  

It is here
Endless sea, stranded in time
Time is of no essence anyway, getting from A to B is all that exists
Take away the objective, and you'll be stranded forever
Step back, step forward, no one was there
Fire of energy flows, a chance to make cover does not exist
Slowly, not fast, Hiding in the open
Beginning to wonder if that last breath was taken
The presence of wind is a reminder of being with company

A to B  

Diamonds begin to show their hand as it cools from above
Walking along the seafloor, having never felt the feeling of floating before
Some diamonds are pristine, brightly shining, and settled
Others are dangling from thistle, an ornament from above
Leap, grasp, silence, close enough to touch
Eyes wide open, Mouth agape
Beginning to wonder if that last breath was taken
Exotic flashes shoot across in an attempt to keep you forever
Galaxies, plethora, clusters suction your existence into the sand
The jewels begin to fade, although they never intended to stay
Blackness recedes
Light returns
Dreams fade
Silence is deafening, the sun is cruel
Why does he only chase me
I begin to wonder if that last breath was taken
A to B